Custom Wade Saddle
The "Cow Boss" Half Breed by Keith Valley

Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with
Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border.

Wade tree
Gullet - 7 & 1/2H by 6 & 1/4W by 4
Horn - 3 inch Ht by 3 inch Round Horn
94 degree bars
7/8ths flat plate riggin
16 & 1/4 inch seat
Cheyenne Roll - 1 & 3/4 inch
Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling
bordered by Valleys' Vaquero Lace.

Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border.
Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border.
Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border.
Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border. Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border.
Cow Boss Gullet - 7 -1/2H by 6 - 1/4W by 4, Horn - 3  by 3 inch Round Horn, 94 degree Quarter Horse bars,7/8ths full in skirt riggin, 16 - 1/4 inch seat Cheyenne Roll - 1 - 3/4 inch and decorated with Valleys' Sheridan floral tooling pattern dallied by Valleys' Vaquero Lace border.

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